Training Course

What we offer


We work closely with a wide range of organizations from across the public and private sectors . we have a large range of programs to suit everyone , from initiatives geared to promoting international collaboration , to specialist skills training , research funding , scholarships and interships. Additional , we also organize and fund regular seminars , lectures and workshops and contribute to the development of wider scientific awareness by sponsoring events and competitions.

Training & Developments

Our training and development programs are aimed to delivering high caliber, knowledge enhancing activities for improving business productivity and competitiveness within the private sector. The training activities, which are funded by ISC, allow exposure to the finest examples of best practice and provide opportunities to meet, learn and exchange knowledge and experiences at a local and international level. keen on encourage the private sector to adopt creative approach to its work. The center has begun working with the open registration system for challenge program in training and creativity.

Research Support

To establish a true knowledge-based culture, ISC fund research that facilitates the development of the scientific, technological and innovation capacity across the private and public sectors. In addition to that, the center provides the necessary support to develop policies and national systems, which allows to investment in science, technology and innovation field more effectively. It is through collaborative workshops and training initiatives that provided by the center by entering to an extensive web of educational centers in the world in order to be better informed about the best applications used in its specialty.

Event sponsorships and competitions

As a part of our social responsibility and strategy to advocate science, technology and innovation. ISC offers various sponsorships and funding opportunities for groups, organizations and institutions both from the private and public sector that intend to organize a variety of events, including conferences, workshops, fairs and competitions.

Our Courses

Phone: +9647731313777 - +9647700331234
‎بغداد - الجادرية -تقاطع جامعة بغداد - شارع مول الواحة مجاور السفارة الفلبينية‎
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